Sharing together pleasant moments
Feeding from the clemency of the Father of the Heavens,
Leaving without waiting our lead soles
No to get mired down in the worst, endless well.
Combining his feelings and his present
Without waiting a tomorrow which would be more pleasant
Living his today with serenity
Pleasure in action, perfume of eternity.
Glorifying his talent from rising to setting run
From dawn to dusk, calling for a song
Being together with his deep soul
Creator and good artist of a new world.
I didn’t forget the promise I made to my sons: trying to find my origins which were also theirs. Finding our roots in order to spread out our wings. All the spiritual counselors, the therapists I consulted pushed me in that way. I will allow me to move more calmly in life and heal a lot of scars which spoiled my daily life. I wanted to erase my boys’ fears, all these hereditary obsessions which distressed them too. Did Raphael’s will of becoming a therapist come from here? As soon as I could move by myself and drive safely, I got in touch with the Social Services in order to finally have access to my file. I followed a procedure without telling a word to my parents because I didn’t want to worry them or give them the impression to betray them.
I was very well-received at Chaumont Social Services even though I felt my application bothered a lot of people. After several mails, I got a notification. When I arrived, I was “expected” by a bunch of people. I was very surprised and I asked them if it was usual. I quickly understood it was not and they feared my reactions. Specialists in psychological care had been hired on purpose for me by the director.
I was led in his office where he began to tell me I was gonna be disappointed by my file because it was almost empty.
This is an extract from the translation in English of the book «Death will wait» written by Michel Hilger and Gilbert Bordes. For further information about the book, consult this page.
The translation of the book has been completed with the work of Audrey Rameau. The English version is not yet available for sale, waiting for the authorization of the publisher.
If you are an English reader that is eager to discover the book, please email us a message to share your interest. Thanks in advance for your involvment.